At Artscape “we were lucky” to have been blessed by a host of support from all quarters.

Several entities aided us along the way. Included were the national Department Sport, Arts and Culture, The Western Cape Government, The City of Cape Town, Distell, Dagbreek Trust, various diplomatic missions including the Germans, French, Dutch, Swedish, Chinese and Irish. Their contributions whether large or small are all highly appreciated.

The past 600+ days, nearly two years, have been extraordinary challenging across most of the world due to the ravages brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and its concomitant lockdown regulations. The Arts and Entertainment sectors were some of the most affected and hardest hit. This translated into artists, sound engineers, lighting designers, stage managers, theatre administration staff, stage hands and more lose their jobs and as a result struggled to put food on the table.  Many theatres and entertainment venues closed for good.

The spirit of Ubuntu is an ethos that we are constantly reminded to emulate in our daily lives in South Africa and the African continent. Ubuntu has as its core the essential human virtues of compassion and humanity. In essence “I am a person through other people and my humanity is tied to yours”

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu once said: “…Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can’t exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness. We think of ourselves far too frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are connected and what you do affects the whole world. When you do well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity.”

Artscape tried to identify what best served the largest theatre community which included offering out-of-work theatre practitioners a chance to earn a living, which saw the implementation of a no venue hiring fee policy.

The Artscape Associated Arts Companies, who resides in the building, staged productions with the commencement of very limited patron numbers and in this way kept the theatre alive. With the regulations and lockdown levels easing we saw patrons slowly trickling back to the theatre. We understand fully that without our patrons we are not able to function.

Together all the above mentioned role-players demonstrated Ubuntu in a tangible manner merging for the extension of the life of the Arts.

Artscape in collaboration with the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra and other Associated Arts Companies would like to show our deep appreciation by presenting a special Thanksgiving Concert at the end of November.

We are filled with immense gratitude and deep appreciation for the support and commitment received from all everyone.  This guaranteed that Artscape could continue seamlessly because you acknowledged and valued the importance and continuation of the Arts within the framework of society.

As we are emerging from the consequences of the pandemic I once again implore anyone who has not been vaccinated against COVID 19 yet to do so with urgency.

Listen to the story of one of our most valued employees Martha Ndumile from the Artscape Box Office sharing with us why she encourages the COVID-19 Vaccine.

“If you don’t want to do it for you then, do it for your family, your friends, for those in your presence”. This is part of the Vaccine message that Martha is sharing with the public. Now is the perfect time to get the vaccine, so that you can be fully vaccinated before the festive season.

Listen to what Martha has to say below:

Artscape family would like to wish adherents of the Hinduism, Jainism and some Buddhism streams of faiths, a very happy Diwali. Let us practice the universal ethos of good triumphing over evil.  We are well on the road to the “good old days” and may soon it will all remain a bad memory.

Artscape has exciting productions and events on offer which were produced during the Golden Jubilee year of the building and can be found on our website viz.,  for your viewing pleasure.

Please follow us on our social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @ArtscapeTheatre for updates and to view our interactive posts such as the ever popular #throwbackthursday which delights in anecdotes and the exciting events of the past 50 years.

We are delighted by your return to the theatre and hope you can enjoy the selection of productions and events on offer during the month of November.