Artist collective BrotherTill from The Netherlands in residence at Artscape

The Dutch artist collective BrotherTill has been invited for a four-week residency in November 2021 at Artscape in Cape Town. ONS PERSPEKTIEF, the current project of BrotherTill, is an international and interdisciplinary collaboration project between BrotherTill and various South African rymkletsers (rappers) and will be continued during the residency. BrotherTill will come together with South African musicians, artists, writers, filmmakers and theatremakers in and outside the theatre. They will explore, create and meet each other. The residency is about: Wie is ONS and wie is EK? (Who are we and who am I?).

Wie is ONS and wie is EK?

The ONS PERSPEKTIEF project started in 2019 as a collaboration between BrotherTill and the writer/hip-hop artist Simon Witbooi (HemelBesem). Creating together and sharing backgrounds, stories and perspectives in the creative process turned out to be fertile ground. Mathijs van Til traveled to South Africa for a period of six weeks in 2019 to collaborate and record music with nine other rymklets artists. On this moment, after a time of meeting and collaborating online, BrotherTill wants to bridge the distance again and bring the ONS Perspektief project back to where it started in 2019. Meeting artists with different backgrounds and different stories.

The results of the residency can be followed at the online channels and the virtual gallery of BrotherTill and the online channels of the Artscape Theatre. Sound clips, videos, images, live streams and written letters will be shared weekly.


BrotherTill is an interdisciplinary artist duo consisting of the brothers Mathijs and Peter van Til. The duo has made a name in recent years with intense multimedia and shamelessly explicit concepts where music, video and performance art go together. Since 2019, BrotherTill has been working on ONS Perspektief, an international collaboration with South African rymkletsers (rappers). With rymkletser Lee-Ursus Alexander, BrotherTill performed the music performance ONS Perspektief at Dutch theatre festival De Parade in 2019, in October 2021 the short film Hoe klink ONS premiered and the new production DIE SON is planned for 2022, in collaboration with South African rymkletsers Yoma and Jodas.

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